Saturday, October 23, 2010

Love thy neighbours

Drove past the site yesterday and noticed that our battleaxe neighbour (as in the plot in front of us - not her being a battleaxe) has kindly blocked access to our plot by installing a demolition fence right across our driveway.  They are demolishing a cottage and building a couple of duplexes - all at the same time as us.  Could be interesting times ahead if they continue to be so inconsiderate....


  1. Hi Nina, Just wanted to say hi, we are building with W in Sydney South. Just found you on H1. Good luck with the building process! Bel :D

  2. Hi Nina, I drove down your street today and wasn't sure which place was yours. Now I recall seeing the demo fence so I know which one you are.
    The demo company probably wasn't aware you're building down the back so I wouldn't take it personally.

  3. Hi Belinda - thanks! I've seen some of your threads I think - do you have a blog as well?

    Mick - there has been a bit of an on-going drama, so this was not appreciated - however - I think we are back on an even keel now. Fingers crossed! When the fence is gone you should have a wander down to our plot - it is much nicer than it appears from the road. Feels like you're in the bush.

  4. Hi Nina,

    Sure do have a blog
